
Moving Check-List

Cross country moving is almost always a prolonged and difficult procedure requiring a substantial preparation. Today we are going to discuss how to arrange moving without excess stress and nerves, how to pack and unpack things.

How you can get ready for moving

On average moving preparation takes from a week to a month. Time consumption depends on the quantity of things and the number of helpers. Those who have little luggage and some people to assist in this situation will have the quickest moving. For example, five or six hours are enough to pack things for a family of two in case two of three of their friends are ready to help them. If a person is going to arrange everything himself and to sort out each group of things considering their necessity he will need not less than a month for sure.


If you are moving to lodging it is advisable to find out how well it is equipped with home appliances. For instance, if there is not only a washing machine in the new flat but a drying machine as well it is not necessary to take a folding dryer there. In such a way you can examine every area of your new home and make up a special list of the things you want at your place. We recommend checking the following:


  • if there is enough tableware in the kitchen or you need to bring yours;
  • if your old interior items suit the design of the new flat;
  • if you have enough wardrobes and other storing places;
  • if you have all the necessary things for cleaning.
How to transport large-size things

You need to estimate the quantity of large-size furniture and domestic appliances for transportation. It is not the sort of things for self-transportation so it is better to send an application for cross country moving services to a professional moving company near you beforehand.

A team of movers will help disassemble, pack and load your things carefully for the transportation to the new address. They will do everything themselves and you will not have to deal with the restrictions you may face at the new place. For example, it is sometimes forbidden to bring in large-size things through the main entrance of the building or underground parking may have vehicle height limitation. You will not need to worry about it if you use services of a specialized moving company. It will take care of all moving troubles.

What things should not be taken to a new house

Before packing you must decide what things you want to take with you for sure and what things you can refuse from. Moving is a great opportunity to get rid of rubbish. To do it well you can divide your old flat into separate areas and sort out the things in each of them one by one analyzing the necessity of the items.

At first it is better to get rid of duplicate things. Before packing all of your old ten frying pans ask yourself if you still need all of them and if you want to pay extra money for their transportation.

Then estimate well your financial situation and make a decision if you should take some of your old things with you (a worn chair, a chipped table or an old teapot) or you can afford buying new ones to make you feel happier at the new house. The same logic should be applied to household chemicals. You can either leave or take with you cleaning fluids from near-empty jars pouring then into smaller ones.

Revise your wardrobe and put away the clothes which you have not been wearing for several seasons or which is small for you, worn or torn. Before moving you’d better utilize or give for recycling broken toys, old rags, swabs, chipped dishes and other things which cannot be used or fixed anymore.

You can avoid throwing away unnecessary things or leaving them in the old flat. Clothes in good condition can be either given to charities which help the homeless and poor families or brought to a second-hand store where you can receive some money for it. Donation of old things to charity organizations is a nice possibility to help those who are in need and provide recycling. Charity and ecological organizations often place special containers all around the city and you can put there the things you do not need any more. Moreover they sometimes offer to come to your place and take the things away themselves. Some items which you are not going to bring to the new house can be sold at a charitable market or you can arrange a garage sale for your neighbors.

Packing things

Determining the exact number of things for transportation you should buy packing materials. You will need boxes, scotch, packing and bubble film, etc. As a rule it is better to order such goods online with delivery. It is important to buy both big and small boxes. Big boxes are perfect for measurement, light and large-size things (clothes, fabrics, equipment). Small boxes are convenient for heavy items (kitchen utensils, books, folders with documents). For example, if you put dishes in a big box it will be almost impossible to lift it and it may be damaged during transportation as it is not suitable for such weight.

You can minimize using of plastic during moving replacing packing and bubble film with kraft paper. You can purchase it in any building supermarket as well as carton boxes. After moving you can bring paper packing materials to a special receiving point for recycling removing scotch from it beforehand.

Start packing from the things which you will not need in the nearest one-three months. They may be unseasonal clothes, non-essential books and documents, dishes which you can get without, pictures and interior items. So you will not have any discomfort in your everyday life during moving period. And you will only need to pack the most important things on the moving day.

Here you will find some advice which will help make packing before moving easier:

  • one box must contain one category of things: clothes, books, dishes and others; if it is possible divide categories into subcategories and pack them separately as well: summer clothes separately from winter clothes, tableware separately from cooking dishes, etc.;
  • each family member should have his own boxes for his\her things;
  • for your convenience children’s clothes should be divided into the current ones and for the future;
    all the boxes should be numerated and then you can make a note in your phone with a list with the detailed description of each box content; it will also be helpful during moving to check if all the boxes have been loaded and unloaded;
  • mark each box on all five sides; so you can easily understand what is inside wherever it stands without opening it;
  • use special colored stickers to mark boxes for different house areas, for example, you can use green for the kitchen, yellow for the living room and so on; during unloading it will help determine immediately where to carry this or that box;
  • to make your first days at the new place more comfortable pack things for the first three or four days in a separate box: clothes for sleeping and going to work, personal care items, medicine, important documents, dishes;
  • do not forget to fasten the most valuable large-size things to the body floor of the vehicle with special belts.
Before bringing the things into the new house it is necessary to protect corners, reveals and floors with packing or bubble film to avoid their damaging. Do not open all the boxes on the first day. Unpack the most necessary things firstly and make an unpacking schedule in accordance with home areas. Do a thorough cleaning after all the things are unpacked and enjoy living in your new house.

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